Tough But Soft Power Ladies
Posted on 11 April 2017
Women who are holding managerial positions in the corporate world are not very many, since the corporate world is still largely dominated by the male gender. While this number of women executives has undoubtedly risen over the years, and it is really a tremendous improvement from two decades ago, majority of these positions worldwide are still held by men. But the good thing is that women has now the power to decide on many things, and they have really become empowered, just like their male counterparts. In the future, there is certainty that the number of women executives will continue to rise and maybe someday, there will truly be equality in both men and women, and this equality will also be evident in the business world.

They say that women who have made it to the top are tough women with strong wills that are almost manly. This may be true, since getting up the corporate ladder is tough, and the way is wrought with controversies and hardships. One ascends to the top only with strong character and a drive that is focused and steady. Rising up the corporate ladder is even harder for women since they are fighting with more men every step of the way so it may really be true that women executives have somehow hardened over the years. Women on top can still show their feminine side by wearing ladies cufflinks to work like the Women’s Pearl Cufflinks. These are great alternative to sterling silver cufflinks and they are undoubtedly feminine.