Form and Function in Cufflinks
Posted on 30 November 2022
Pearls may not be a girl’s best friend, but definitely it ranks as one of the girls’ all time favourite stones. No other precious stone can claim this distinction. Diamonds are not very affordable, and while their dazzle and bling are uncontested, their affordability limits many from owning them. This is not the case with pearls, since pearls are more affordable and more readily available than diamonds. And why not? Pearls turn casual into chic, simple to elegant, and rugged to classy. When a girl goes out in her jeans and simple tees, casual will be the description that will come to mind. But when she puts on her pearl earrings, she is chic, and might even be ready to attend some special function. A simple black dress will not be as dramatic if worn with any other piece of jewellery as when worn with a pair of big pearl earrings.

Almost every girl in the world will have an item or two (or a whole set!) of something pearl - pearl earrings, pearl pendants, pearl rings, even pearl cufflinks! The last item may be the latest addition to the ever-growing list of pearl collectibles many women own. Mostly crafted as silver cufflinks, ladies’ cufflinks that come in pearls are very trendy, and very usable. Just like any other pearl jewellery, it can also be passed on from generation to generation. Pearls never go out of style, they only become more classic as time goes by. Form and function, what else can a girl ask for?